Sunset and chocolate balls

My family and I shared these cupcakes in Hermanus over December. I had already baked the festive green and red ones (starring my cousin Matt at the braai), and I was starting to get bored of the average photo with the cupcakes on the bread board blah blah this is me (after a couple of G&T's) thinking that I am really clever getting the sunset in the background. Much to my dismay nobody else thought that my photo was that now becuase nobody else gave a damn then, I'm putting it on my blog - so that it can be admired by all of you! Ha ha.

I'll be honest - the particular batch up cupcakes (made on our last night of oliday)was not my best ever. I'm blaming the oven - coz it wasn't my own...screw that whole idea of a good chef never blaming her machinery :-)

Even though the cupcakes weren't the best, view of the sunset that day was great! So cheers to a G&T and vanilla cupcakes with a chocolate ball on it - it's the perfect end to a great holiday.

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